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Catch up with all the things happening with GTK through the GTK Development Blog.

The colors of GTK
The colors of GTK
Everything is better in color. Even better if it is HDR. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of what is happening with color in GTK, without diving too deeply into the weeds of colorimetry and ... Read More
Graphics offload continued
Graphics offload continued
We first introduced support for dmabufs and  graphics offload last fall, and it is included in GTK 4.14. Since we last talked about, more improvements have happened, so it is time for another updat... Read More
Graphics offload revisited
Graphics offload revisited
We first introduced support for dmabufs and graphics offload last fall, and it is included in GTK 4.14. Since then, some improvements have happened, so it is time for an update. Improvements down t... Read More

Issues Tracker

Contribute to GTK by solving the issues related to GTK. Get started with first issues.

Modifers get re-latched when dead key input completes (Wayland)
Input Wayland
Menu keynav is serious broken
GtkPopover arrow detaches when close to edge of screen
Mnemonic not exposed via atspi_action_get_keybinding
8. Accessibility
Unexpected size allocation when using halign=Center
Unexpected spacing at the end of a textview when using child widgets.

by VBB
Gtk.Picture should allow configuration of resize interpolation method
GMenu `icon` attributed used even when menu icons are off in GtkMenu/GtkSettings?
css: Allow settings to provide initial values for font-variation-settings and font-feature-settings
Setting a default window size for a resizable will make it exceed screen bounds on Wayland and make it hard to deal with as a user
Cursor hotspot and cursor image are not updated atomically on Wayland
Opening context menu on link in GtkLabel with keyboard does not show link actions
8. Accessibility GTK4 GtkLabel
Cannot navigate context menu of GtkLabel with keyboard
8. Accessibility GTK4 GtkLabel
[4.16.12] testsuite/gsk/transform failing in /transform/fine-category
1. Bug Tests
Pink screen at certain screen resolutions on macOS
1. Bug GTK4 MacOS

by Mat
Commit d50c9137 introduced allocation regressions for GtkBoxLayout
1. Regression GtkBox